open season

美 [ˌoʊpən ˈsiːzn]英 [ˌəʊpən ˈsiːzn]
  • n.(法定)渔猎开放季节;(针对某些团体的)言论开放期,自由评论期
open seasonopen season



the time in the year when it is legal to hunt and kill particular animals or birds, or to catch fish, for sport


a time when there are no restrictions on criticizing particular groups of people or treating them unfairly

It seems to be open season on teachers now.


open season


  • 1
    N-UNCOUNT (针对某人或某事的)言论开放期,自由抨击期
    If you say that it is open season on someone or something, you mean that a lot of people are currently criticizing or attacking them.

    “It's open season on smokers,” I say.


  1. It seems to be open season on teachers now .


  2. “ It 's open season on smokers ,” I say .


  3. OPEN SEASON Theoretical Frameworks of Pragmatics


  4. OPEN SEASON For that reason , applying the conception of open implementation to the design of middleware is supposed .


  5. Medicare begins its annual open season when seniors can join or change prescription drug plans next week .


  6. Meanwhile * it 's open season on the consumers of all this media , as more and more messages compete for influence .


  7. You can fish in the open season , but not in the close season . A warrant is out for his arrest / against him .


  8. Now , following the land redistribution that has devastated agriculture , President Robert mugabe 's government seems to have declared open season on other parts of the economy as well .


  9. There are only two times when it is possible to say something negative : when you can blame it on your predecessor ( and then it 's open season ) and when you have a plan up your sleeve for improving matters .


  10. In the eyes of the public and everyone there , he would 've been wrong for defending himself because he , as a player , is held to a higher standard.Players have to endure fans taking liberties verbally because they bought a ticket and feel as if it 's open season when they are within earshot .


  11. By the way , it 's open enrollment season right now .


  12. Thomas : We will open our season with " Swan Lake . " Done to death , I know .


  13. The Lakers open the season Oct. 31 against the Phoenix Suns .


  14. Now , with 16 straight wins to open the season , the Warriors own the NBA 's best ever start .


  15. It 's the most wonderful time of the year -- and not just because it 's the holiday season , but because it 's also open enrollment season over at .


  16. But as the Nets open the2007-08 season tonight against Chicago , he loves the game more than ever , because he has so many fond memories of his first nine years .


  17. If you haven 't gotten covered yet , or if you care about someone who hasn 't gotten covered yet , now 's your chance . It 's open enrollment season for the Health Insurance Marketplace .


  18. Stephen Curry scored 37 points to lead the defending NBA champions to their 12th straight win to open the season , a hard-fought 115-110 victory over the Toronto Raptors on Tuesday night .


  19. They will open the new season with a performance of ' Carmen ' .


  20. And open the rainy season , according to the weather bureau .


  21. She said the club will be open for ski season with no disruption of services .


  22. But then she said , Hsu was not planting and breeding law , two years Jipen gardenia are open only to season , they wilt die .


  23. Unlike summer that seems to reveal all its treasures out in the open , the season of fall drapes itself with a veil , slowly changing it from lace to silk and then to wool .


  24. If the approval process progresses as expected , the territory will open for the spring season . -
